Through a balanced programme of academic, cultural, sporting and community initiatives as well as a measure of fun, we pride ourselves on developing Christian love and self-esteem in children. By implementing a moral code and promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our students prepare to contribute to an ever-changing society.
The reason for which something is done, created or exists.
Every child is created with a purpose. Our inspired education provides a range of opportunities for students to find, explore and grow into their purpose.
Definition: To be in a suitable place. An affinity for a place, a situation or a group.
If a student knows that they belong and, therefore, trust their learning space, they feel safe to pour their energy into their work and learning opportunities – An Inspired Education draws students into a space where they develop an affinity for learning.
Definition: A vigorous or determined attempt.
Ongoing effort, when directed with intent and determination, improves results.
Definition: Showing a willingness to take action and achieve results.
By embracing challenges, students cultivate a growth mindset and strive to reach their goals.
Thomas More College is a Non-Profit Public Benefit Organisation
030-569-NPO 9300-3293 PBO