Through a balanced programme of academic, cultural, sporting and community initiatives as well as a measure of fun, we pride ourselves on developing Christian love and self-esteem in children. By implementing a moral code and promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our students prepare to contribute to an ever-changing society.

Our Vision

To develop tomorrow’s leaders today.

Our Mission

To provide an inspired education

Our Core Values

The reason for which something is done, created or exists.

Every child is created with a purpose. Our inspired education provides a range of opportunities for students to find, explore and grow into their purpose.

Definition: To be in a suitable place. An affinity for a place, a situation or a group.

If a student knows that they belong and, therefore, trust their learning space, they feel safe to pour their energy into their work and learning opportunities – An Inspired Education draws students into a space where they develop an affinity for learning.

Definition: A vigorous or determined attempt.

Ongoing effort, when directed with intent and determination, improves results.

Definition: Showing a willingness to take action and achieve results.

By embracing challenges, students cultivate a growth mindset and strive to reach their goals.